Sunday, September 23, 2007

Diabetic scare...

I promised the boys that I'd take them to Chuck E Cheese. So on Tuesday night, we went there for an hour. On the way home, Nate threw up. I thought that maybe he just gagged...nothing big. An hour later, he threw up again and he was burning up. He ended up staying home from school the next day. The two boys stayed home with my mom (lucky her!). In the middle of the day, my mom called me at work and told me that Nate was crying for me. She said that everytime he used the bathroom, he would start crying and saying "I want my mommy." It even made my mom cry because he was so sad. I rushed home and took him to the dr. He had a 103 fever. The dr. said that it was probably a virus but she would check his urine just in case. It turns out that the dr found glucose in his urine. So we're rushed to get his blood drawn and we had to wait for results. Nate did an amazing job getting his blood drawn. He watched the entire thing and he didn't even twitch or cry. The staff was amazed...he came out of the lab with 4 thomas stickers, a bandaid, 3 disney stickers and 2 suckers. I had to stop them from giving him everything. The dr met me in the waiting room and said that she is pretty sure that he has diabetes. I go in panic mode...he's only 3. He can't be diabetic. She informed me that they'll probably have to send us to Stanford that night. We wait and wait and wait. Meanwhile, I'm paceing. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I don't know what to do with myself. That's the worst feeling...that feeling of helplessness. The feeling that you can't make your child feel better. All sorts of things are going through my head...i'm imagining the worst case scenario. Finally, I see both his drs walking toward me. I'm ready to hear the bad this point, I can't feel my legs. Then she says the magic words, "he's ok." It took me awhile to comprehend it. I asked to hear it again. I was in shock. His blood test all came out negative! They tried to explain to me what happened. I didn't care...all I needed to hear was that he was ok.

That night Nate was back to normal...he was eating and playing and singing....whatever it was...was gone. thank goodness. hope it doesn't come back!

What's in a name???

As in my previous blogs, Nathan refuses to be called Nathan. When asked, his name is Nay Nay. When you ask Noah was his name is, he says that it's Nathan. Ask him how old he is, he says three! My boys are so silly. Nobody gets their name right. Maybe I should change my name. I've always wanted to be Zoe.

Obsessed with Balls...

Anything round to Noah is a ball. He goes in our backyard and picks an apple and uses it as a golf ball. He sees an orange from our fruit basket, it's a ball. He opens the refrigerator and sees eggs and he is excited to see a ball. Grant it, we try to keep the eggs at arms length from him! I have eaten many bruised fruits thanks to Noah!

Nate started preschool!

I don't know who was more or him. I thought we would have an easy start to preschool. A few weeks before school started, Nate was so excited to go. In fact, he cried when we just dropped off some paper work and didn't stay. So the first day was totally different. Nate was crying hysterically. I heard him crying as I was leaving the parking lot. I also started to tear knowing that my baby was really a big boy. His teacher said he did fine after 10 minutes. It is now the third week of preschool and he is finally getting use to it. Now I can drop him off and he'll whine as we walk in but completely fine afterwards. He is currently going 3x a week, half days. We are putting him into 3 full days and hopefully he'll adjust quickly. Erdy and I went to our first of many back to school nights. I'm still in shock he's in school--time sure flies!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Noah is talking

Noah has now learned to say several words. His vocabulary is growing everyday. Here's his list of words:
thank you
doggie (ruff, ruff)
wawa (water)
Nathan (this was actually his 4th word...I wasn't the only one who has heard him say it)

He also signs more. Grandma Tina taught him that. Noah also points to different parts of his body like head, tummy, ear, mouth etc. He also understands well and can be given two step directions like "please pick it up and throw it in the garbage" And he actually listens and does it!

I always have mixed emotions about milestones. It's great that he's able to reach them but I also realize he's growing up too quickly. I try to enjoy the moments....

Nathan renames himself!

So for awhile now, Nathan has been calling himself Nay-Nay. He officially got the nickname in daycare. Some of the kids had a hard time saying his name and so hence, Nay-Nay was born. It stuck and everyone in daycare called him by that name. I thought it was a phase he'll go through but he really likes the name. He now corrects me if I call him Nathan. I ask him his name and he says Nay Nay. He is adamant that Nay Nay is his name. I've been correcting him and he gets upset to the point that he starts crying. So what do I do? Cave in and hope that one day he'll revert back to Nathan.

Nathan is potty trained!

I never thought we'd get to this stage but finally Nathan is potty trained! Yippee!!!! It's a milestone. It's been our (my) goal to have him potty trained. I was getting worried that he wouldn't be potty trained by the time preschool started but we made it! He does pretty well with peeing and he finally got the hang of doing #2. He has been going to the bathroom consistently on his own. He even goes to the public restrooms just fine. He has never gone #2 out in public and I hope he'll be ok in preschool.

He wears underwear now. Goodbye diapers! One down, one more to go. I'm so proud of my little boy! It's another sign that he's no longer a baby anymore and that makes me a little sad.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

You know you're a parent when...

You know you're a parent when...

Friday and Saturday nights don't mean a thing. While everyone is partying, you're going through the same routine as any other day.

you get excited when your child does #2 in the potty!

you carry wipes everywhere you go.

a night on the town means going to the park and ordering something to go.

the wiggles is playing loudly in the car and you start singing to it.

you don't know what it's like to eat uninterrupted

taking a 10 minute shower is a privilege

your car trunk is loaded with strollers

everytime you go to Costco, you buy diapers and wipes

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Developing personality

Noah is such a little guy now. He is Mr. Independent. He wants to do everything on his own. He refuses to be fed. He has to feed himself. Of course, much of the food goes to the ground. It's very messy but he enjoys it. He also has learned to climb the furniture. Luckily, he also knows how to get down safely. I now have to watch what I say. Yesterday, I happen to call out that it was time to eat. Before I know it, Noah has climbed a chair and was eagerly awaiting his food.

He loves balls. As long as he has a ball to play with, it can entertain him for minutes. He loves the outdoors. He is content if he is outside...much like his dad. He tries to play catch with you. He is also very entertained by his brother. He thinks Nathan is so funny. They are starting to play a lot more. Their favorite game is chasing each other. It's loud and noisy but I just love to hear them giggle and laugh at each other.

Despite of his growing independence, Noah still loves a good cuddle. He always wants to be carried and hugged. Ever since he was a newborn, he always wanted to be hugged. I hope he never outgrows that!

tuna fish, roly poly and crab

Nate has discovered roly polies or we call them..potato bugs. He can spend endless hours looking for them in our backyard. He also loves hunting for snails. One time he washed the roly poly and told me that it went swimming. Of course, it drowned but Nate said he was asleep. I couldn't break his heart by telling him it died so I told him we should put him outside so that he can go to bed. Luckily he agreed.

Nathan also likes the song "slippery fish". He loves the tuna fish part of the song. So whenever he sees any fish, it's automatically a tuna fish. Auntie Abby bought him a beta fish and we asked him what his name was. At first he named him Juan then he changed his mind and named him Tuna Fish...surprise, surprise.

We've also gone crabbing twice and he loves the crabs. So today I was trying to eat crab for dinner. I started by taking off the claw and Nathan went into hysterics. Apparently, he was attached to the crab. I've never seen him so upset before. I offered him another crab but of course he wanted the one that I broke the claw off. After he settled down, he asked for a bandaid because the crab has a boo-boo.

I also bought him rain boots for the winter and that's all he wants to wear now. So he's typically in a tank top, shorts, and rain boots. Whenever he is out in public...everyone is in hysterics. He just loves them and he knows how to flaunt it!

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's a start....

So I've been wanting to do a website for the kids and Erdy and I just haven't gotten around to it. So this is the start. Hopefully this will be entertaining for all. I'm hoping to take the time to blog some of our adventures. The kids are growing up too fast and I need to capture the special moments.

Happy reading!