Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's our anniversary!

Today we celebrated our 6th year anniversary! How crazy is that? Erdy and I have been together for eleven years. Most of you has heard me say this...if someone predicted back then that I would end up marrying my college roommate's brother...I would tell them they're crazy....and if they said I would marry him and end up with three boys...I would tell them they're insane! It's funny how life works out.

It has been a tradition to watch our wedding video. There is a photo montage of us growing up. We were in hysterics to see Erdy's baby pictures. Noah is his exact replica. Nathan actually thought they were pictures of him. I, on the other hand, see my baby pictures resembling Nicolas. That's wishful thinking...everyone always comments on how the boys look exactly like Erdy!

We didn't get to do much, having a newborn and all. We did take the family out to Benihana for lunch. We figured it would entertain the boys and we can actually eat in peace. It worked! The boys sat in their chair the entire time and they were very amused. Every time we take them there, we have to order for each of them their own chicken fried rice. They just love it. Then of course we had to go out for ice cream. We ended the day renting a movie and relaxing while all three boys slept. Happy Anniversary to us!

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