Thursday, July 17, 2008


Nathan will be four in August. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were rocking him to bed. Now he's an active and energetic little person. He finished a year of preschool already. He just loved it. His favorite part of the day was art work. Sometimes he would come home with a blob of paint of his shirt. One day he even painted his shoes!

He is obsessed with horses. I don't even know how many he has...way too much. He never seems to get tired with playing with them. It's so cute because he puts them on time out too. What an imagination!

When he's outside he loves to collect roly poly's. He also likes snails and spiders. Sometimes it's embarrassing because he knows to look for spiders at corners so when we go to someone's house, he goes over to the corner and gets excited when he sees spider webs! Of course, whoever's house it is, they get all embarassed that Nate has pointed out spider webs!

He will go to St. Cyprian starting next month. We just bought his school uniforms. Wow he's all grown up. See for yourself.

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