Monday, July 21, 2008

What an exciting day...

I've been begging baby #3 to hold off making his grand entrance until after Nate's party. So the night of Nate's party, I start having contractions. My contractions were every 5 minutes apart lasting 60 seconds long. That went on for two hours before I decide to call Kaiser. So at 2 in the morning, Erdy and I head off to Kaiser. The doctor examines me and I am only 2.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. The doctor asked me to stay for two hours, hoping I will dilate more. No luck though so we got to go home. In a way, I was glad. I'm still not quite ready to have the baby. I'm hoping to stretch it out for another two weeks.

But if I had a labor scenario to choose from that would have been it. Labor started in the middle of the night when the two kids were asleep. It happened on the weekend and Erdy wasn't working. It would have been the perfect scenario. Oh well. Let's just hope I'm not stranded somewhere and my water breaks and I have to drive myself to the hospital and I don't have time for an epidural. That would be my worst nightmare.

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